Reshma S Menon
Final year PG Scholar, Department of Dravyagunavijñāna. VPSV Ayurveda college, Kottakkal.
Ayurvedic veterinary medicinal tradition of india was existed in the literary record for atleast 4000 yrs and the oral lineage is older than that. First account of a dedicated veterinary hospital comes from time of king Ashoka in 1463bc. Pandava brothers nakula and sahadeva were experts of horse and cattle respectively. Veterinary medicine and Animal husbandry deeply entangled with the cultural history of india. But the advancement of modern science and technology had forced the ancient knowledge in this area to a back track. If this situation persists this is going to be a medical history. Literatures from Hastyāyuṛvedam and opinion from experts reveals that Āyurveda offers simple yet effective solution in veterinary diseases. Ānāham is one such disease. Recent changes in domestication of elephants and their change in diet pattern had accelerated this disease. Due to peculiarities of the digestive system, elephants are more prone to this condition. Intestinal impaction is not an uncommon condition affecting the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) in captivity.Conventional medicine tries to solve this condition but unfortunately these treatments worsens the condition. Ayurveda can give much more effective solution. This paper throws light upon the unexplored disease ānāham of hastyāyuṛvedam and critical analyze with vataja gulma of Ashtangahridaya. Many more diseases are awaited to be explored. KEY WORDS: Hastyāyuṛvedam, Ānāham , Intestinal impaction , vataja gulma.
KEYWORD: Gridhrasi, Shiva Guggulu,Pain,Discomfort.
Human-Captive Elephant Relationships in Kerala:Historical Perspectives and Current Scenarios Sreedhar Vijayakrishnan1,2,3* and Anindya Sinha Gajah 50 (2019) 29-35.
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