Ayurvedic Management of Chronic Allergic Rhinitis (Prat Ishyaya): Clinical Case Study

Dr. Tipu

Associate Professor, Department of Shalakya Tantra, Harmony Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Ferozpur, Punjab.



Chronic allergic rhinitis is a common nasal condition characterized by persistent inflammation of the nasal membranes   triggered by allergens. Allergic rhinitis, often called hay fever, inflammation, and discomfort, significantly impacts the quality of life.  Charak Samhita has mentioned the Allergic Rhinitis as disease called Pratishyay, marked by the main symptoms of sneezing and a watery nose. Ayurvedic literature has emphasized treating Pratishyay by eliminating the causative factors and adopting appropriate lifestyle and medicine otherwise it converts into Dusht Pratishaya. This study aims to explore the Ayurvedic management of chronic rhinitis, with a focus on understanding and treating the five types of Pritishyaya, i.e. Vataja, Pittaja, Kaphaja, Rak taja, Sannipataja. The treatment led to significant improvements in the patient’s symptoms, including reduced nasal congestion and discharge, decreased sneezing, and enhanced overall comfort. The personalized approach proved effective in addressing the specific type of Pritishyaya. The study highlights the efficacy of Ayurvedic treatments in managing chronic rhinitis and emphasizes the importance of individualized care.



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