Critical Review on Scientific Approach of Nadi Parikshan

Dr. Archana Abhijit Shiralkar1, Dr. Abhijit Sadanand Shiralkar2

1Associate Professor, Dept. of Rognidan Avum Vikriti Vidnyan, Yashwant Ayurvedic Medical College & Research Centre Kodoli

2Assistant professor, Dept. of Shalyatantra, Yashwant Ayurvedic Medical College & Research Centre Kodoli


Nadi pariksha is the science of observing the pulse from a perspective of diagnosis of the human body, mind and the sub-conciousness. It is commonly known as pulse diagnosis. Nadi pariksha had got its significant role in physiological and pathological conditions. Since the past scrutiny of pulse has been one of the most important diagnostic tools. The art science of examination of pulse was well developed in ancient India. Nadi pariksha has been said as one of the Ashta Sthana Paiksha. This system of examination can’t be practiced easily because of non availability of detailed description about Nadipariksha in Ayurvedic literature and lack of practice in the field of science. Nadi Pariksha is an important tool for diagnosis in all the stages of vaya. Luckily some of the ancient Ayurvedic books are still available to us. So, to impoverish the cognition, a little attempt is made to put

KEY WORDS: Nadi Pariksha, pulse, Nadi-gati, Tri-Dosha.


  1. Sushruta sutra sthana, Dr. Ambikadutta sastri, ch-21, saloka 6 chaukhamba surbharti publication, varanasi
  2. Charaksamhita, Shukla V, Tripathi RD, CH-1, Verse-7, Delhi: chaukhambha pratishthan ;2003
  3. Nadigyantarangani-pandit Raghunathprasad, ch.1, Verse-.10, chaukhamaba orientalia publishers, varanasi, p-10
  4. Walia R, Singh M. Pulse based diagnostic system using the concept of Ayurveda from internet.2010.
  5. Sushruta Sharira sthana, ch-7, Saloka No. 14, edited by Vaidya Yadavji Trikamji Acharya and Narayan Ram Acharya. Varanasi: Chaukhamba Orientalia; 2007
  6. Charaksamhita, Sutrasthana, Shukla V, Tripathi RD, CH-20, Verse-20, Delhi: chaukhambha pratishthan ;2003


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