Jeel Patel1 , Dr. Bharti Umretia2
1PG Scholar, Upgraded Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Government Ayurved College, Vadodara, Gujarat
2Reader and Head Upgraded Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Government Ayurved College, Vadodara, Gujarat
Background: Lavana Kalpana is a unique dosage form that is prepared by combustion of Lavana and other drugs in a sealed earthen vessel, a procedure known as Antaradhuma Dahana. Formulations with the same procedure were recorded in numerous classical sources, but the precise name is not given.
Objective: To review Lavana formulations with their method of preparation, heating medium, confirmatory test, dose and other aspects based on Ayurvedic texts and analyse the gathered information.
Material and Method: Total 65 Ayurvedic texts were screened for detailed information about Lavana formulation, including its ingredients, preparation, properties, uses, dosage, and potential side effects. Result: A total of 21 formulations uses the term Lavana in their nomenclature from 14 classical texts while 20 formulations from 15 classical texts are prepared using methods like Lavana Kalpana but do not label as Lavana.
Conclusion: Classical literature has numerous references to Lavana formulations. Based upon the review, it can be said that even while Lavana Kalpana holds substantial historical significance, there is also a lot of room to enhance its therapeutic application through contemporary clinical research.
KEYWORDS: Combustion, Sealed earthen vessel, Heating pattern
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