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Impact Factor (2025): 8.254 ...... IJAHM Latest Issue IJAHM have published its latest issue Vol. 15 Issue 01, Jan.-Feb. 2025 published IJAHM Call For Paper invites paper from various Ayurveda & herbal Medicine for Volume 15 Issue 01 Jan.-Feb..-2025

1Dr .Tomar  Pravesh , 2Dr. Garg Saloni 

DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/ijahm/v7i4.20

1.Professor, Dept. of Prasuti Tantra & Stri Roga. Rishikul Campus, Haridwar, Uttrakhand Ayurveda University ,Harrawala ,Dehradun (India)

2.PG Scholar , Dept. Of Prasuti Tantra & Stri Roga. Rishikul Campus, Haridwar, Uttrakhand Ayurveda University ,Harrawala ,Dehradun (India)


The most widespread health issue in women today is fertility problems. In most cases the women do not know from where to start and they go for hormonal profiles, ovulation factors and many more costly and interventional Kapha Dosha Prakopa investigations. In our principles of Ayurveda we consider the presence of four essential factors in a women called as Garbha Sambhavasamagri along with unvitiated Doshas specially Vata Dosha to be able to conceive. Here is a case of infertiltiy viewed from ayurvedic eyes, occuring due to vitiated Doshas and abnormalities in Garbhasambhavasamgri. The patient was having Vata and which was leading to Artavkshaya (Ritukaal Dushti),Yoni Strava (Kshetra Dushti), Beej Granthi ( Beej Dushti ) and Aam Ras Dhatu formation (Ambu Dushti) and finally to infertilty in combination. Thus all four factors were affected in the present case. The women was given treatment based on the pathogenesis framed according to these four cardinal factors and she conceived after two months of treatment.


1.      WHO-ICMART glossary

2.      http://www.who.int/reproductivehealth/topics/infertility/definitions/en/

3.      Dr.Nirmala Joshi, Ayurvedic concept in Gynaecology (ChaukabhaSanskritaPratisthana, Delhi, 2006), Chapter VIII, Pages: 92-111.

4.  Vridha Jivak. Kashyapa Samhita, Kalpa Sthana, Shatpushpa Shatavarikalpadhyaya, 5/8, Pandita Hemaraja Sharma, Commentator. 6th Edition,Varanasi: Chaukambha Sanskrit Samsthana: 1998

5.      Chunekar K. C., Bhavaprakasa Nighantu commentary, Haritakyadi varga, Chaukambha Bharati Academy Varanasi, Edition Reprint -2002; 170

6.      Sharma, P.V. DravyagunaVignan, Vol. 2, published by ChaukhambhaBharati Academy, Varanasi. 2012. 55-56.

7.      Sharma, P.V. DravyagunaVignan, Vol. 2, published by ChaukhambhaBharati Academy, Varanasi. 2012. 55-56.

8.      GyanendraPandey. DravyagunaVijnana, Part III, 2nd ed., published by ChaukhambaKrishnadas Academy, Varanasi. 2004. 428-431.

9.      PremvatiTewari. AyurvediyaPrasutiTantraEvamStri-Roga. Part II, 2nd ed., published by ChaukhambaOrientalia, Varanasi. 2000. 167-170.

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Crossref - DOI

DOI : 10.47191/ijahm

Impact Factor 2025: 8.254

2024: 8.003

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2019: 5.692

2018: 5.485

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