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Impact Factor (2025): 8.254 ...... IJAHM Latest Issue IJAHM have published its latest issue Vol. 15 Issue 01, Jan.-Feb. 2025 published IJAHM Call For Paper invites paper from various Ayurveda & herbal Medicine for Volume 15 Issue 01 Jan.-Feb..-2025

Vibha Chauhan1 , Dr. Arvind Gupta2 , Dr. Mohita Bohra3

1P.G Scholar Panchakarma Department Himalayiya Ayurvedic PG Medical college and Hospital Dehradun.

2H.O.D and Professor of Panchakarma Department, Himalayiya Ayurvedic PG Medical college and Hospital Dehradun.

3Associate Professor of Panchakarma Department, Himalayiya Ayurvedic PG Medical college and Hospital Dehradun.  

DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.47191/ijahm/v13i1.02

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Katigraha (lumbar Spondylosis) is an important clinical ,social, economic and public health problem affecting the population worldwide. Lumbar Spondylosis is more prevalent among the middle –aged and elderly, which affects both the genders equally. Lower back pain is estimated at 60% to 70% in industrialized countries. Ayurveda has mentioned Panchakarma therapies for the treatment of Katigraha. Hence, an effort has been made to evaluate the efficacy of Katibasti,Churna Pinda Sweda and Tikta ksheer Basti procedure along with Shamana Chikitsa in the management of the Katigraha. This is a single case study of 60years old female patient who came to OPD of Panchakarma Department ,Himalayiya Ayurvedic PG Medical College and Hospital Dehradun with complaints of pain in low back region radiating to a left lower limb, stiffness in the hip region,restricted movement of lower limbs and difficulty in walking for past 7years. Katibasti with Dhanwantra oil and Mahanarayana oil, Churna Pind Sweda ,Tiktaksheer Basti along with Shamana therapy was administered. The therapy provided marked relief in pain and stiffness was improved. Based on this study ,it can be concluded that Katibasti ,Churna Pinda Sweda and Tiktaksheer Basti along with Shamana therapy is effective in the management of Katigraha ( Lumbar Spondylosis). KEYWORDS: Basti ;Katibasti;Katigraha;Lumbar Spondylosis

Method- As per inclusion criteria 100 number of patients has been included in this studyIn each individual Matrabasti of Til taila was given for 7 days duration with 60 ml on each day. Follow up was taken after the completion of Matrabasti and symptom wise clinical assessments were done.



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5. Agnivesha, Charak Samhita- part-1 Sutrasthana,Adhyaya 28,4th edition 1994,edited with Vidyotini Hindi commentary by Pt.Kashinath Shastri,published by Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratishthana, Varansi,Page no.-432.

6. Vd.Paresh R.Deshmukh,Vd. Kvita k. Fadnavis.Associate professor, kayachikitsa department, Clinical trial of Tikta Ksheer Basti in the management of Lumbar Spondylosis.,SVERDCT’s Swami Vivekanand Ayurved Medical College,Pargaon,Shrigonda ,Ahmednagar, Maharashtra.

7. Jindal Dilbag et. al. A Clinical Study To Assess The Efficacy of Parishekasveda in the Management of Katigraha. Journal of Biological & Scientific Opinion. 2013;1(2):84-87.[Full Text

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Crossref - DOI

DOI : 10.47191/ijahm

Impact Factor 2025: 8.254

2024: 8.003

2023: 7.734

2022: 6.704

2021: 6.643

2019: 5.692

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