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Impact Factor : 6.012 ...... IJAHM Latest Issue IJAHM have published its latest issue Vol. 14 Issue 04, July.-Aug. 2024 published IJAHM Call For Paper invites paper from various Ayurveda & herbal Medicine for Volume 14 Issue 04 July.-Aug.-2024

Dr Vikas Gupta1, Dr Danisha Sodhi2 , Dr Minakshi Bandral3

Paper Index :


1Assistant Professor P G Department Of Kriya Sharir.Jammu Institute Of Ayurveda And Research

(Corresponding Author)

2Assistant Professor .P G Department Of Kriya Sharir. Jammu Institute Of Ayurveda And Research.

3MD Scholar. P G Department Of Kriya Sharir. Jammu Institute Of Ayurveda And Research


 Rasayana being one of the eight folds of the Ayurveda . The branch of science which builds immunity in its own way . Rasayana refers to nourishment  which helps to enhance ayushya . The long and healthy life is always cherished by humans since the ages . The Rasayana therapy measures in itself to attain the long , heathy and youthful life . The solution to the modernized problems one is facing i.e premature ageing is by implementing Rasayana therapy in day to day life.


The following article is compiled through the various texts of Ayurveda regarding the healthy quality life and span of life.



   1. Agnivesa, Charaka Samhita with Ayurveda Dipika Commentary, Ed.  Acharya Y.T, Chowkhamba Sanskrit Sansthan , Varanasi 1984 (Reprint).

   2  Susruta , Susruta Samhita with Nibandha Sangraha and Naya Chandrikapanjika commentaries Ed. Vd. Y.T Acharya , Chaukamba Orientalia Varanasi .          

   3 Sarvanga Sundara on Vagbhat , Ashtanga Hridayam with Sarvanga Sundara and Ayurveda Rasayana Commentary , Ed. Kunte, AM, Chaukhamba Orientalia            Varanasi 9th Ed. 2002.  


IJAHM Content



Crossref - DOI

DOI : 10.47191/ijahm

Impact Factor 2023: 7.734


2022: 6.704

2021: 6.643

2019: 5.692

2018: 5.485

2017: 4.965

2016: 4.415 


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