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Impact Factor : 6.012 ...... IJAHM Latest Issue IJAHM have published its latest issue Vol. 14 Issue 04, July.-Aug. 2024 published IJAHM Call For Paper invites paper from various Ayurveda & herbal Medicine for Volume 14 Issue 04 July.-Aug.-2024

1Manju P , 2Shubada V I 

DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/ijahm/v7i5.09

 1. P.G Scholar, Dept of P G Studies in Shalyatantra, Alva’s Ayurveda Medical College, Moodbidri – 574227

                      2. Professor, Dept of P G Studies in Shalyatantra, Alva’s Ayurveda Medical College, Moodbidri – 574227


In Ayurvedic classics Mutraashmari is a disease of Mutravaha Srotas, having the symptoms like pain in any of the organs of urinary system like Basti, Mehana, Sevani during micturition, obstruction in flow of urine, haematuria and urine resembling Gomedaka is described, which goes in accordance with the symptoms of Urolithiasis. Acharya Sushruta has explained management including both Shastrakarma and Bheshaja Prayoga for Mutraashmari like Ghrita, Taila, and Kshara prayoga etc. In this present clinical study, Vastyamayantaka Ghrita and Chincha Kshara are selected to compare their efficacy in the management of Mutraashmari.

The clinical trial was conducted with the aim to compare the efficacy of Vastyamayantaka Ghrita and Chincha Kshara in the management of Mutraashmari w.s.r to urolithiasis. The trial was carried out by randomly including the patients in to 2 groups of 20 each. In Group A- patient was advised to take 10 ml of Vastyamayantaka Ghrita twice daily morning in empty stomach and evening, after complete digestion of lunch. Anupana: hot water. The patient was also advised to take food only after the complete digestion of Ghrita (shudha udgara). In Group B- The patient was advised to take Chincha Kshara 500mg twice daily diluted with 30 ml water before food. Study period was 21 days. During treatment assessment was done on 7th, 14th and on 21st day. Follow up was done once in 15 days for next 2 months after study duration. The effect of the treatments was assessed statistically on the basis of gradation of prime signs and symptoms before and after treatment.


The test of significance showed that both Chincha Kshara and Vastyamayantaka Ghrita have shown significant result. But on comparison between groups, the result was insignificant. For parameters like Pain, Haematuria, Dysuria and reduction in size of stone Chincha Kshara has shown slightly better result while in descent of stone Vastyamayantaka Ghrita shows better result

Key words: - Chincha Kshara, Vastyamayantaka Ghrita, Mutraashmari, Urolithiasis



       1.      Nalim.H.Sofia, Manicka Vasakam, Thomas.M. Walter, Prevalence and Risk factors of Kidney Stone ; Global Journal for                        Research Analysis X183 Vol 5, Issue 3 March 2016 ISSN no 2277-8160 

2.      Dr. Somen Das, A Concise Text Book of Surgery, published by Dr S Das- Kolkata. 6th edition, pgno.1189-1209.

3.   Bailey and Love’s Short Practice of Surgery edited by RCG-Russell, Norman S Williams and Christopher J.K Bulstrodess - International Students Edition, 24th edition, pg no 1295

4.      Acharya Sushrutha, Sushruthasamhita with Nibandhasangraha Commentary of   Dalhanacharya and Nyayachandrika Panchika of Gayadasa on Nidanasthana-edited by Yadavji Trikamji, Chaukamba Orientalia,Varanasi. 9th edition 3rd chapter, pg no 276.

5.   Acharya Sushrutha, Sushruthasamhita with Nibandhasangraha Commentary of          Dalhanacharya and Nyayachandrika Panchika  of Gayadasa on Chiktsasthana- edited by Yadavji Trikamji, Chaukamba Orientalia,Varanasi. 9th edition,  7th chapter, pg no 435

6.      Sahasrayogam- by Dr. K.Nishteswar and Dr. R. Vidyanath published by Chowkhamba press, Varanasi.second-2008 pg no 75.

7.      Rasa tarangani of Acharya Sadanand Sarma, Edited by Pandit Kashinath Shastri, Published by Motilal Banarasidas Bangalo Road, Jvahar Nagar Delhi. 11th Edition Chapter 14 Shloka 64 page no343

8. AcharyaSushrutha, Sushruthasamhita with Nibandhasangraha Commentary of          Dalhanacharya and NyayachandrikaPanchika  of Gayadasa on Sutrasthana- edited by Yadavji Trikamji, Chaukamba Orientalia, Varanasi. 9th edition, 11thchapter, pgno-45.

9.      Dr. J L N Sastry, Dravya Guna Vijnana, Volume-2, Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi. 3rd edition 2008, pg no- 718,719.



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Crossref - DOI

DOI : 10.47191/ijahm

Impact Factor 2023: 7.734


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