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Impact Factor : 6.012 ...... IJAHM Latest Issue IJAHM have published its latest issue Vol. 14 Issue 04, July.-Aug. 2024 published IJAHM Call For Paper invites paper from various Ayurveda & herbal Medicine for Volume 14 Issue 04 July.-Aug.-2024

1Shekokar S. S. , 2Nayak S. U.*

 1Ph.D.(scholar), TMV, Pune,

2(Supervisor), TMV, Pune

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Pharmacological properties of the plant drug depend on their phytochemical constitution. Sharangadharacharya has quoted to use ardra dravya always dviguna (twice) in quantity to shushka dravya as there may be changes in properties or quantity of the phytochemical constituents.

Aims and objectives are to evaluate physicochemical & phytochemical properties of ardra and shushka dosage forms of Bhrungaraj - Eclipta alba Hassk. panchanga.

Methods- Ardra and shushka dosage forms of self-collected Bhrungaraj panchanga were prepared as follows-1) swaras (ardra/wet form), 2) anukalpa swaras (ardra/wet form), 3) shushka churna (dry form) and 4) tablet form (shushka/dry form).  Various phytochemical tests for solid and liquid forms as per applicability - Foreign matter test, Extractive values, ash values, HPLC, HPTLC, Spectrophotometry, Atomic absorption Spectrophotometry, etc.

Observation and results- All the tests like extractive values, ash values, and others were having equal results in all dosage forms but atomic absorption spectrophotometry showed that Iron content was highest in anukalpa swaras ghan vati (dry form)- 3060 ppm, and comparatively very less in spray dried tablet (370.137 ppm), fresh swaras (108.0 ppm), and churna (211.84 ppm). Similarly, content of wedelolactone was maximum in churna (dry form) and minimum in fresh swaras (wet form).

Key words: Ardra, shushka, guru, tikshna, phytochemical and physicochemical, 



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