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Impact Factor : 6.012 ...... IJAHM Latest Issue IJAHM have published its latest issue Vol. 14 Issue 04, July.-Aug. 2024 published IJAHM Call For Paper invites paper from various Ayurveda & herbal Medicine for Volume 14 Issue 04 July.-Aug.-2024

       1Dr. Aimon Sadaf, 2Dr. Sudhakar Reddy.P, 3Dr. Sowmya. M.N 

DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.31142/ijahm/v8i4.08

                          1II Yr. PG Scholar Department of PG Studies in Swasthavritta, JSS Ayurveda medical college & hospital, Mysuru, India

                      2Professor & H.O.D Department of PG Studies in Swasthavritta, JSS Ayurveda medical college& hospital, Mysuru, India

                     3Assistant professor Department of PG Studies in Swasthavritta, JSS Ayurveda medical college & hospital, Mysuru, India


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Abstract –

Ayurveda aims at “Swasthasya Swasthya Rakshanam” and “Athurasya Vikara Prashamanam” it means protect the health of the healthy and relieve the 'disease' of the ailing, the importance given by Ayurveda for prevention is immense when compared to any other medical sciences. In Ayurveda description of Cardiovascular diseases are scattered throughout the Samhitha’s.  Nowdays, even modern medicine understands cardiovascular diseases to be mainly caused by a variety of modifiable risk factors. Ayurveda has employed various preventive measures in the form of Dinacharya (daily regimes), Ritucharya (seasonal regimes), Ratricharya (Night regimen) & Sadvrtta (Right code of conduct) to prevent Cardiovascular diseases through lifestyle modification. In this article a honest attempt has been made to gather scattered information regarding CVD prevention


Keywords – Preventive cardiology, Cardio-vascular diseases, Dinacharya, life style modification.



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Crossref - DOI

DOI : 10.47191/ijahm

Impact Factor 2023: 7.734


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