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1Puspa Devi Bhattarai , 2Hari Prasad Aryal.
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.31142/ijahm/v9i2.04
Central Department of Botany, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal
Diseases of plants are a major problem for agricultural Worldwide. Fungal diseases have been one of the principal causes of crop loss. Seed-borne diseases are of two types, Internal and external seed-borne pathogens. Seed-borne pathogens results in seed rot, seedlings decay etc. Conditions for treatment of fungus were done in two major ways that is In-vivo and In-vitro way. Field treatment is known as In-vivo treatment. Prevention for the spread of disease is controlled by various techniques, among them Blotter technique was used for the experiment. The objective of the work is to determine the wilting of seedlings then after to compare, its efficacy of seed-borne pathogen of maize. The effects of major seed- borne fungus pathogens against maize seedlings were studied. Experiments were conducted to determine the optimal level of wilting of seedlings separately. The effects of different pathogens were observed on the seedling. Seven days of treatment cause wilting occurs. Major three fungus pathogens (Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger & Fusarium oxysporum) were sprayed for those experiment separately in separate pots simultaneously. Tested fungus pathogen Aspergillus flavus shows fast witting of seedlings among other two by A. niger and F. oxysporum possesses wilting properties respectively. Seed-borne pathogen may be different types of bacteria and can be studied on applying that bacteria in different other plant seedlings rather than maize seedlings.
Key-words: Antimicrobial properties, Blotter technique, Nutritive media.
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