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Dayani Siriwardana*Mistry I.U , Skandhan K.P. **, Karunarathne Y.A.U.D. ***
Department of Kaumarabritya Prasuti Stree RogaInstitute of Post Graduate Teaching and Research
Gujarat Ayurved UniversityJamnagar INDIA
**Department of PhysiologyShree MP Shah Medical CollegeJamnagar 361 008 INDIA
Present Address
*Department of Prasuti Tantra
*** Department of Kaumarabritya Prasuti Stree Roga
Institute of Indigenous medicineUniversity of ColomboSRI LANKA
** 902 VC Valley Apt,Opp. CSEZ, KakanadCochin 682 037 INDIA
Ayurveda has a vast knowledge about formation and development of “Garbha” and its pathology. Ayurveda prescribe herbal preparations for “Garbhasthapaka”. Atibala (Abutilon indicum) was well accepted as a nourishing and strength promoting drug. It has Rasayana property and fetal growth promoting action. The present study was designed to find out the effect of Atibala as a single drug for Garbhasthapaka prabhava and Garbha vruddhikara prabhava in pregnancy with repeated abortion history. Sixty pregnant women of second and third trimester were included and they were divided into two groups. The effect of Atibala was compared to that of combination of Amalaki, Godanthi and Garbhapalarasa (Amalaki group). Studying results of Atibala and Amalaki groups during the treatment or after no abortion took place. The maternal as well as fetal growth was representing Garbhavruddhikara prabhava which was prominently taken care by Atibala.
1. 1. Ashtanga Sutrasthan 12-82, 13-3, 15-4, 20-4,5, 5-24
2. Ashtanga Samgraha Sharira Sthan 1-47, 54, 57, 63, 64, 2-3,6,23,24,56,85, 3-5, 4-3,11,12,27, 5-9,10,11,12
3. Charaka Samhita Chikithsa 2-30,46, 8-33,34,35,36,37, 30-16,20
4. Charaka Samhita Nidana 1-8,9,12
5. Charaka Samhita Sharir 1-19,77, 2-4,6,15,23,31,33,35, 3-1,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,17, 4- 4,5,6,7,11,12,16,18,21,26,29,30
6. Chopra R,N. Nayar S.L. Chopra I.C. Abutilon (Malvacene) Glossary of Indian Medicinal Plants with active principles 1965-1981 Part I
7. Siriwardana S.A.D., Mistry I.U., Skandan K.P. 1999 – A Choorna- standardization of preparation of choorna with special reference to Atibala (Unpublished)
8. Report on identification of high risk families, mothers and outcome of their offsprings, ICMR Task Force Study, ICMR, New Delhi, 1990
9. Tiwari P.V. Ayurveda Prasuti Tantra Evam Stree Roga, Part 1, Chawkambha Orientalia, Varanasi, 1986
10. Dutta D.C. Text book of Obstetrics, New Central Book Agency, Culcutta, 3rd edition, 1997