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1DR. Chandrakant Dhanokar MS(shalya), 2Dr.A.S.Kulkarni MD(shalya),3Dr.D.K.Mankar
1prof & HOD shalya dept,RTAM,Akola
2,3Asst.Prof.shalya dept.R.T.Ayu mahavidyalaya,Akola
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Inflammation of epididymis & testis is called as epididymo-orchitis.bacterial infection from kidney,bladder, urethra(UTI),prostate,STD (syphilis, gonorrhoea) are frequent causes.Mumps,another common cause in children for orchitis.clamediasis, E.coli are the commonest causative organisms.Tuburculosis is another common cause for epididymo-orchitis.
symptoms includes pain, swelling, & redness in affected side of scrotum.may or may not be associated with fever or fever with chills.affected side becomes red hot, firm & tender`(1).
Treatment includes broad spectrum antibiotics,analgesics & anti-inflammatory drugs rest, scrotal support is also needed.if tubercular infection is present AKT is to be started.with this standerd treatment patients usually gets relief from pain, fever but firmness swelling may take several months to resolve completely. Few Patients however does not respond to this standard treatment.condition may lead to abscess formation, iscaemic damage to testis & atrophy of testis`(2). in such condition surgical intervention like I&D ,orchidectomy is needed as per condition.So effective management of acute & chronic epididymo-orchitis is still a problem for surgeon inspite of higher antibiotics.
Ayurveda has excilent solution in such type of resistant cases not responding to standred conservative management.If this standred treatment is added on by leech application,symptoms like pain,tenderness,swelling,firmness are reduced to significant level.In present case study we got fabulous result after leech application.
1. References
1. 1. “epididymitis & orchitis an overview”American family physician,79 pp 583-587,2009,view at Google scholor.view at scopus.
2. “Testicular infarction secondary to epididymo-orchitis ,sureyya Burcu.Gorkem,imaging science today”.2009 nwww.imagingsciencetoday.com.
3. Maharshi Sushruta’s sushrut samhita part 1;edited with ayurved tatwa sandipika sharirsthana adhyaya 8 shloka 23; edited by Ambikadatta Shastri; 14th edition reprint 2003 chaukhamba sanskrit sansthan, Varanasi page no.67
4. Sharandhar samhita madhyam khand adhyaya 7 shloka 82-83 Gudarthadipika commentary by Parshuramshstri vidyasagar.