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Dr. Rajimunnisa Begam Shaik M.D. (Ayu). , Dr. D.R. Sunil Kumar M.D
J.R.F Ccras Vijayawada.
First Year ,Dept Of K.C . Dr.B.R.K.R. Govt Ayurvedic College, Hyderabad.
Vasti Karma is a unique and broad spectrum therapeutic and preventive approach. A Lot of emphasis has been given in our classics on vasthi Karma . Neurological problem in Ayurveda described mainly in the context of vatavyadhi. Ayurvedic treatments for neurological disorders will aim to correct the vata imbalance and bring the vata dosha in harmony with Pitta and Kapha dosha so as to eliminate the disease. People worldwide are affected by neurological disorders. There are over 600 known neurological disorders and conditions that affect the human nervous system and for many of them treatment options are extremely limited. The aim of this study is to analyze the effect of vasthi karma in neurological problems as a whole. In the present article, we have discussed certain important features of vasti karma. Recent advancement in Ayurvedic Clinical Research shows that so many incurable neurological problems can be successfully treated by Ayurvedic medicines and Panchakarma therapies. Keywords: Mode of action of Vasthi, Vata vyadhi, Neurological disorders, Conceptual study.
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