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1Dr.Ankita U. Mandpe, 2Dr. Swati R. Lanjewar,3Dr.Trupti V. Kalyanshetti ,4Dr. G.H. Kodwani ,5Dr. Meera .A. Aurangabadkar
1,2,3.MD Scholar. Rognidan&VikritiVigyan Dept. Govt. Ayurved College, Nagpur
4. Professor of Rognidan&VikritiVigyan Dept. Govt. Ayurved College, Nagpur
5.Professor & HOD of Rognidan&VikritiVigyan Dept. Govt. Ayurved College, Nagpur
Corresponding Author: Dr.Ankita U. Mandpe
Introduction: VatraktaVyadhi is described in all AyurvedicSamhithas. Vatrakta is caused by vitiated VataDosha as well as RaktaDhatu. Aggravated Vata is blocked by Vitiated Rakta, which leads to further Aggravation of VataDosha. Thus causing VyadhiVatrakta which have two Avasthas i.e. Uttana and Gambhira. UttanaVatrakta affects Twacha and MansaDhatu whereas Gambhira mainly affects Asthi, MajjadiGambhirDhatu. Sandhi Shotha, Sandhi Stabdhata, Sandhi Kathinya all these occur in GambhirVatrakta as told by Acharya Charaka. In human body When there is deposition of Uric Acid salts and crystals in and around joints and soft tissue results the heterogeneous disorder Gouty Arthritis. Which causes Pain, Stiffness, Swelling over joints. So the question arises where there is any correlation between GambhirVatrakta and Gouty Arthritis and what are the Lakshanas of both conditions? In present article, we are trying to study Lakshanas of GambhirVatraktaw.s.r to Gouty Arthritis.
Methodology: As it is a Review study, so all literature taken from various AyurvedicSamhithas as well as some modern text book concerned for literature.
Results & Discussion: When pathogenesis of Vatrakta involves deeper Dhatus like Asthi, Majja and Sandhi Sthan signifies GambhirVataraktaAvastha which leads to Sandhi Shotha, Pida, Twakvyavarnya over sandhi pradesh etc. As compared with modern disease same type of Lakshanas present in Gouty Arthritis so comparative study done between GambhirVatarakta and Gouty Arthritis.
Keywords- GambhirVatrakta, Gouty Arthritis,Lakshanas
1. CharakaSamhita Part – II Vaidyamanorama Hindi Commentry by Ravi Dutta Tripathi, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratishthan, Delhi, P. no.
2. Sushrut Samhita Part- 1
3. AshtangHridayPandit Hari Sadashiv ShastriParadakar. CjhaukhambhaPrakashan, Varanasi P. No – 535 & 536
4. Sharangdhar Samhita Hindi Commentry by AcharayaShriradhakushnaParashar, ChaukhambhaVidyabhavan Varanasi, P. no. 209
5. Madhavnidanam Part I Vidyotini Hindi Commentry by Shri yadynandanUpadhyay, P. no.
6. YogratanakarVidyotiniPurvardha Hindi Commentry by Vd. ShrilakshmipatiShastri, edited by Bhishagratna, BrahmasankarSastri, ChaukhambaPrakashan, Varanasi P. no. 552
7. Bhavprakash, Shri Bhavmishra, edited by Vidyotini Hindi Commentery, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi P.no-295
8. Davidson’s Principle & Practice of Medicine by Nicholas A. Boon, Nicki R. Colledge, Brian R. walker and John A. A. hunter, Chuchill Livingstone Elsevier publication 20th edition 2006.
9. Hutchinson’s clinical method 22nd edition edited by Michael swash
10. Essentials of medical physiology K Sembulingum
11. Physical Diagnosis, AspiGolwalla thirteenth edition
12. Practical Pathology, Harsh Mohan originally published at 2007