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Sohel Rana Sarkar
JRF, Ramakrishna Mission Sikshanamandira, Belur Math, India
Today Frustration, Anxiety, Mental Stress, Mental related diseases etc. Are increasing in our society. Due to these diseases many persons including the students feels Isolation, Anger, Confusion, Depression, Mood disorders, Attention deficit-hyperactive disorder, Obsessive disorder, Adjustment disorder etc. Under the effect of on top of Mental related disorders the level of students’ Exam’s Achievements are much low. The training of ‘Yoga’ would give the proper direction for the betterment in Exam’s achievements & much give positive peace of mind. The present study try to provide a clearcut concept of the students’ attitude towards yoga and their present status of peace of mind. A quantitative descriptive survey done on 200 randamised sample which analyzed through MS Excel.
Keywords- Yoga, Attitude towards Yoga, Peace of Mind
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