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1Dr. Smita Sarmah, 2Dr. Balen Baishya
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/ijahm/v7i6.02
1PG Scholar , 2Professor & Ex-Head of Deptt. Of Prasuti Tantra & Stree Roga Govt. Ayurvedic College, Jalukbari Guwahati-14, Assam
Pregnancy is a state of emotion. During pregnancy period,mind will be filled with both positive as well as negative thoughts. Those thoughts affect the mother as well as the fetus.Positive thoughts will bring happiness to the fetus through mother and negative thoughts will bring sorrow, grief to the fetus through mother.So, the environment where the lady spend her time, daily routine of the lady, food that is taken by the lady are very important.
Yogasanas and exercises not only helpful for the maintenance of health of the pregnant lady and the fetus but also helpful for easy labour by relaxing the body. Yogic practices integrate body, mind and spirit. Yogasanas bring harmony, develop a satisfied and positive attitude towards life. It helps to build immunity, inner strength, improve control over body and mind. Practicing yogasanas and exercises calm mind of the pregnant lady and prepare the body for the extreme changes that she will go through in the coming months. It helps the pregnant lady to deal with all the physical and emotional changes with ease.
Keywords: Pregnancy, fetus, yogasanas, exercises
Reference :
1. B.K.S. Iyengar , Iyengar Yoga for beginners, Dorling Kindersley, Reprint-2006, Chapter no-1, Page no-9.
2. The yoga science for everyone by Dr. Ravi R Javalgekar
3. The yoga science for everyone by Dr. Ravi R Javalgekar
4. Sukhayu wellness magazine for all
5. yogic therapy by srimata swami shivananda saraswati, 9th edition, Umachal prakashani, chapter 7, yoga exercises for pregnant mother, pg no-462,245)
6. Sukhayu wellness magazine for all
7. yogic therapy by srimata swami shivananda saraswati, 9th edition, Umachal prakashani, chapter 7, yoga exercises for pregnant mother, pg no-462,279)
8. yogic therapy by srimata swami shivananda saraswati, 9th edition, Umachal prakashani, chapter 7, yoga exercises for pregnant mother, pg no-462,290)
9. yogic therapy by srimata swami shivananda saraswati, 9th edition, Umachal prakashani, chapter 7, yoga exercises for pregnant mother, pg no-462,314)
10. Donald school manual of practical problems in obstetrics (by Narendra Malhotra, Randhir Puri, Jaideep Malhotra) edition-2012, Jaypee brothers medical publishers (P) LTD, page no- 641