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1Dr. Renu P. Raokhande , 2Dr. Deepak Sawant
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.31142/ijahm/v10i4.07
1Assistant Professor, Shalakyatantra Department Collage- YMT Ayurvedic Medical Collage & Hospital, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai
2Collage- Govt Ayurvedic Collage, Osmanabad. Professor & HOD, Shalakyatantra Department,
The computer has become a common item in today’s society. It is estimated has approximately 45 million workers directly use computers. Computers have increased the work efficiency and communications and have opened access to information like never before. Despite these contributions to the society, prolonged exposure to computers has been the cause of a visual and ergonomic disorder called " Computer Vision Syndrome" (CVS).[1]
CVS is a group of symptoms which crop up from the extended viewing of the VDT, when the demands of the task exceed the abilities of the viewer. Symptoms comprising CVS are dry and irritated eyes, eye strain/fatigue, blurred vision, red eyes, burning eyes, excessive tear secretion, double vision, headache, light or glare sensitivity, contact lens discomfort, slowness in changing focus, changes in color perception, and neck, shoulder and backache. These symptoms of CVS are due to ocular (ocular-surface abnormalities or accommodative spasms) and/or extra ocular (ergonomic) etiologies. It has also been shown that computer users also have a higher incidence of complaints than non-computer users in the same environment.[2]
The catastrophic effect of the CVS has resulted in low performance and extreme discomfort to the sufferer. The symptoms being vague and slow in onset drift to intolerable severity by the time the sufferer seeks medical advice. This problem is very new to medical science and is under investigation to explain the mechanism of the disease and to find a solution. The current understanding upholds meticulous work environment as a precaution and use of artificial tear or contact lens wetting solutions to suffice the symptoms.
But with these treatments, the patients of CVS get only symptomatic relief.[3] So, to find a better solution to this burning problem, this study was designed
Though the ailment is a consequence of modern invention, Ayurveda, the ancient science of life can be of great help in dealing the modern occupational ailments by its preventive and therapeutic principles.Ayurveda and siddha medicines have various formulations which have been extensively used for various eye disorders