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Dr.Sandhya S. Mane.
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.31142/ijahm/v10i5.01
Assistant Professor, Kaychikitsa Dept. Sai Ayurveda College, Hospital & Research Centre Vairag,Solapur,Maharashtra
Hyperlipidaemia is one of the commonest presentation & major cause for various lifestyle disorders which is caused due to abnormally elevated levels of some of lipids in the blood. Human body is composed of 7 types of tissues known as Dhatu. Meda is one of those Dhatus and necessary to maintain Snehatwa. It can be correlated to lipids in modern science. Some factors present in human body like Vasa and Majja also resembles with lipids. Medo Dhatu is plays a significant role in developing various metabolic disorders like Obesity, Diabetes Mellitus which are already mentioned in Ayurveda as Sthaulya, Prameha those occurs due to excessive Meda. Thus Hyperlipidaemia is correlated with Medovrudhi in Ayurveda. Over the last two decades there has been an increasing emphasis placed on screening for ‘High Cholesterol’ and adopting interventions to reduce Cholesterol-levels in order to reduce the risk of Heart Disease, generic Cialis (tadalafil). The high costs and side effects of Hyperlipidaemia-medications have stimulated many people to search for alternate treatments. But still, only few studies have been conducted to evaluate the effect of ‘Ayurvedic Herbal Medicine’ formulae to reduce Hyperlipidaemia among alternative therapies. Mustadi ghanvati, Triphala guggulu and Haridradi kwatha will act with ‘Medovruddhihar Property’ by involving their qualities (Gunas) against Medovruddhi. We hereby report a case of a 48 year old female with complaints of Excessive Sleep, Irregular bowel movements and feels breathlessness on exertion occasionally. She was treated with internal Ayurvedic medication. During the treatment all the signs and symptoms reduced to a very high extend.
Keywords: Hyperlipidemia, Agni, Medovriddhi, Medororoga, Medodosha, Ama, Medodhatu