1Usha K S, 2Gurdip Singh
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.31142/ijahm/v10i5.04
1Professor,Department of SwasthaVritta and Yoga SDM Institute of Ayurveda and Hospital, Bengaluru 560074,Karnataka, India
2Director, PG and PhD Studies, SDM College of Ayurveda and Hospital,BMRoad, TanniruHalla, Hassan 573201, Karnataka, India
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In the new found theory of neurological and cardiac pathology, scientists have been able to make a connection between the two. A neurological disorder may possess cardiac manifestation and vice versa. A look at the classics where the SanjnaVahasrotas(pathway of consciousness) has been mentioned in the context of some disorders like Apasmara(epilepsy)becomes more relevant.The Rajas (excitatory) and Tamas(inhibitory)Doshas(vitiations of mind) explained in the context of vitiations of Manas (mental faculty) and its seat as Hridaya (heart) needs to be seen in a new light. The neurotransmitters which are excitatory or inhibitory in action have different effect on the function of the heart. In addition, the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve supply to the brain and heart also have significant impact. The blood supply from the heart to the brain is also of importance in many morbid conditions of the heart and that of the brain. The electromagnetic field of heart also has significant impact on brain.Hence the cumulative effect of neuro transmitters, nerve supply circulation and electromagnetic field manifests in changed emotions, status of mind and consciousness in an individual.
Key Words: Sanjna VahaSrotas, Rajas,Tamas, Chetas, Neuro transmitters, sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve supply, electromagnetic field
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