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Dr. Kalpana Patni
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.31142/ijahm/v11i3.04
Assistant Professor, Department of Kaumarbhritya / Balroga, Faculty of Ayurveda IMS Banaras Hindu University Varanasi-221005
On probing the treasure of Kerala's splendid tradition of Ayurveda, one can find, Arogya Raksha Kalpadrumah - (Kerala's Tradition of Ayurvedic Pediatric Care) Text with English Translationas a lighthouse to ayurvedic pediatritions. It is befitted with the geographical, climatic and cultural situations of Kerala, and is based on the thoughts and lifestyle of regional people. This is more practically oriented and can be considered as a ayurvedic pediatrician's quick reference hand book. Many new diseases which are not mentioned in classical textbooks have found their place in this book like Bala Visarpa, Shakarogas, Raktanawastha, Raktastambha, Kundalaka, Pakshipeeda etc. are common in Kerala and various indigenous treatment modalities are developed for such diseases. The original name of the book is Arogya Kalpadrumah. Sri Kaikulangara Rama Warrier, one of the judicious physician and visionary of ancient Kerala, is considered as the author of this treasured literature. The original text is written in Sanskrit language with Malyalam script. The present book is the English translation with shlokas (verses) written in Devnagri script by Dr. Lal Krishnan