1Dr.Akshaya G.Patil , 2Dr.Rajendra More , 3Dr.Amandeep Kaur
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.47191/ijahm/v12i2.01
1MD (Ayurved) Assistant Professor in Department of Panchakarma, APM’s Sion Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Sion,Mumbai ,Maharashtra,India;,
2MD (Ayurved) Associate Professor in Department of Panchakarma ,APM’s Sion Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Sion,Mumbai ,Maharashtra,India;
3MD (Ayurved) Assistant Professor in Department of Panchakarma,Y.M.T Ayurved Medical College,Kharghar,Navi Mumbai,Maharashtra,India
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Dhatus are seven in number vis, rasa (plasma), rakta (blood), mamsa (muscle), medas (fat), asthi (bone), majja (bone marrow) and shukra (semen-the reproductive tissue in the males and its counterpart ärtava (ovum) in females). Acharya Charaka and Vagbhatta says that the Ahara Rasa is spread and distributed into the entire body at the same time, continuously and always by the help of Vyan Vayu. Sneha or Anuvasan Basti (unctuous enema) promotes Bala (strength) of the person who is emaciated and debilitated. Drawing from knowledge of developmental biology, the self assembling process can be used to gene expression, and tissue formation in a manner similar to morphogenesis. Morphogenesis is the biological process that causes an organism to develop its shape. Regenerative medicine refers to a broader field that focuses on both tissue engineering as well as the ability of the human body to self-heal itself in order to restore normal function to tissue, organs, and human cells. In this article we have tried to relate the mode of action of Sneha Vasti in dhatu poshan with the principle of self assembly method of tissue engineering.
Keywords: Dhatu poshan, Sneha Vasti, Tissue engineering
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