Dr Deepika Minhas
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.47191/ijahm/v12i3.03
Assistant Professor Smt.Urmila Devi Ayurvedic College Hoshiarpur Punjab MD ( Samhita & Siddhant)
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It is a condition in which skin cells build up and form scales and itchy dry patches.
- Psoriasis is the papulosquamous disorder of the skin.
- Equally in both sex
- Common in age group 15-60 years
- May appear in any age and site
- Not contagious
- Caused by faulty signal of Immune System and improper dietary habits
Types of Psoriasis
Plaque Psoriasis- Most common about 80% raised patches, reddish skin covered by silvery white scale. Common site- elbow, knees, lower back and scalp.
Guttate Psoriasis- Small red spot on skin. Commonly in trunk, palm and sole, more common in children.
Pustular Psoriasis- White pustular surrounded by red skin, may present in pregnancy.
Flexular Psoriasis- Erythematous plaques covered with fine moist scales. Common sites are axillae, groin, submammary.
Inverse Psoriasis- smooth, red, lesions found in skin folds.
Erythematous Psoriasis- wide spread redness severe itching, pain may affect system of the body.
Palmoplanter Psoriasis- small pustuler on digits and middle portions of the palm and sole.
Aim &Objects
Effect of vamana karma in Ekkushtha
Effect of oral treatment in Ekkushtha
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- http://www.dermatology.org
- http://www.psoriasisguide.com
- http://www.psoriasis.org
- http://wikipedia.org
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