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1Dr. Santosh Kumar Nath, 2 Dr. Sandip Kumar Nath
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Calcutta Institute of Technology
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Bharat Sevashram Sangha Hospital,Joka
Ayurveda is the indigenous system of medicine. At present this system of the medicine is accepted and it is widely practiced in Village and Cities of the Counties of the World. In the past period, the Ayurveda was to practice as Traditional medicine in India and also it was the ancient system of medicine all over the World. It was revealed from the books, name - Sanhitas of Charaka, Susruta and Vagbhata that Ayurveda is the Traditional medicine in India and also all over the World. The application of the Ayurveda medicines was mentioned of the above said books. The Ayurveda system was brought in our Society in the Vedic Period. This period was prior to 2500 B.C. and it is called Vedic Period. It was revealed from the ancient books that “LORD BODHA”. Practitioner was practiced of both Medicine and Surgery. At that time Surgery was not advanced like to-day, but the medicine was only the remedy of the Patient..
Technical Report Series, Who, Genevapp.646;