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Dr Shirkande Abhijeet*1, Dr Ingole Ankita2
*1Lecturer, Dept. of Dravyaguna D. Y. Patil college of Ayurveda, Pimpari, Pune, India.
2Lecturer, Dept. of Rasashastra D. Y. Patil college of Ayurveda, Pimpari, Pune, India.
Rasashastra, the very special branch of Ayurveda includes various kalpas like Survana kalpa, Lauha kalpa,Vasant kalpa,Malla kalpa,etc. Out of which Vasant kalpa implies to Ayurveda medicines with particular common ingredients and specific way of preparation. The word Vasant symbolizes greenery and reproduction. The advent of spring brings new leaves, blossoming flowers, old bark of trees are replaced by new one, same changes are brought to human body by Vasant kalpa.
In this most modern era with troubling food habits and lifestyle, everyone is struggling for more and more immunity. So the role of Vasant kalpas in leading problems like Vandhyatwa Prameha, Durdhara Vyadhis etc. will be studied thoroughly in paper.
1. 1. Vd S. D. Kulkrni, Ayurvedic Rasaoshadhi Nirmana, continental publication, Pune, 1981
2. Vd Ganagadharashastri Gune, Ayurvediya Aushsadhi gunadharma Shastra, Vaidyaka Granth Bhandara, Pune, 2001
3. Nagindasa Ghaganlal Shaha, Bharata Bhaishajya Ratnakara, B Jain Publication, New Delhi, 2005
4. Vd Y. G. Joshi, Charaka Samhita, Vaidyamitra Prakashana, Pune
5. Vd Ganesha Krushna Garde, Ashtanga Hridaya, Profishant publication house, Pune, 2010
6. Vd Sidhinandan Mishra, Ayurvediya Rasashastra, Choukhmba orientaliya, Varanasi, 2006
7. Shree Baidyanatha Ayurveda Bhavana Ltd., Ayurveda Sarasangraha, Kolkatta 2011
8. Krushna Gopala Ayurveda bhavana, Rasatantrasara Sangraha, 2009