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1Dr.Suman lata and 2Dr.Rudrambika S.Biradar
1,2Deptt.of Rasashastra ,B.M.J.Ayurvedic Medical College, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences,Karnataka
*Author for correspondence: E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Physico-chemical analysis provides the objective parameters to fix up the standards for quality of raw drugs as well as finished products. In the present study,Praval Mool is used as a Raw material to form Praval Bhasma. Praval (Coral) is the calcareous skeleton of the minute marine organism called Anthezoa polypus and belongs to phylum coelenterate.It is a natural source of rich calcium widely used in Amlapitta, Yakshma,Kasa, Netra Roga and Hridaya Roga and Ca deficiency diseases etc. it is administered in the form of Bhasma and Pisti. Moreover, in the market, it is available in two forms viz. Pravala shakha and Pravala moola. As in the market, moola is cheaper than shakha and has higher % of Calcium, shakha can be replaced by moola. Both are used for medicinal purposes. Shodhan of Praval is done in Sarjka kshara.The Pravala bhasma is prepared by triturating it with Godugdha and subjected to puta. The analytical procedures is carried out vide infra in two major headings incorporating physico-chemical tests like Total Ash, Acid Insoluble Ash, Loss on Drying, Particle Size, and advanced instrumental technics like XRD and XRF.
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